Yes, for a moment there I was unintentionally lost. For a while my stomach was in knots... But the manager here at the Chianti Parc Hotel has been so nice and helpful, that my knots are almost all gone. When I get to my hostel the first order of business is to get on a computer and find accommodations that are actually in Florence. Tavarnelle is approx 50 minutes away by regional bus! Oops! The positive to all this is that the village I'm heading to is located in the Chianti region of Italy, therefore vineyards everywhere and hopefully cheap, delicious wine.

(sign posted on the garden wall of the Chianti Parc Hotel)
I'm scheduled to be in Florence for 3 full days, and afterwards going to Venice.
One of the things I'm most looking forward to in Florence (besides relocating closer to the train station), is to experience the Ponte Vecchio here in Florence. Before leaving for Europe my grandmother showed one of her trip albums... She showed me the Ponte Vecchio and said that it's filled with goldsmiths and jewelry shops. She was so overwhelmed by all the beautiful things that she didn't buy anything while she was in the Ponte.
This morning, before leaving Rome, I sat down to have breakfast with a complete stranger... Who happens to be doing the Camino!!!!!!! She is 22, from Paraguay and is doing the same route that Tash, Tatyana and I will be doing. She doing it alone and is beginning to walk around April 16th. Incredible. She told me that when there is 300km left, you cross a bridge... It symbolizes the new you, as you cross over obstacles and move forward in life... Wow. This hike is becoming more and more real everyday... So close!
Location:Chianti region, Italy
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