Since the last post I have been running around like a mad woman!
Friday= Doctor's appointment, at which i was prescribed a vaccine called Menactra to prevent meningitis. Have yet to actually fill the prescription; shots are the worst! The evening was then spent leading a Standard First Aid recertification course for some of my fellow staff members. SFA is such an amazing course to teach; so many bad jokes to be made all while spreading lifesaving knowledge! When I got home that evening I made a spontaneous and amazing decision: I will see Lady Gaga perform at Scotiabank Place this Sunday.
And so, a cheap ticket was purchased and my weekend became instantly incredible.
Saturday= Class all morning; sat by the window and therefore accomplished very little. All this was immediately proceeded by flu-like symptoms and me going home early. Of course, feeling crappy then resulted in an afternoon of Gravol and sleep. I don't even remember what happened Saturday night... what I do recall involves lots of cuddling with Bentley, my crazed bichon frise.
Sunday= Me and dad's glorious return to Sunday A.M. Adult badminton and the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. There was a massive snow dump the night before, so the roads were in terrible shape; this worked to our advantage because attendance was lower than usual to our favourite Sunday sport. We played 6 games in a row without any breaks! Once we got home I prepared report cards for my swim students, went to work for a few hours, took the fastest shower and got ready for Lady Gaga! Completely honest, the show was incredible. My ticket had me seated off to the side at the top of the nosebleeds, so I went 2 rows up to the top of the arena, pulled up a folding chair and sat at a better angle in the cement walkway. I don't think I have ever been so visually stimulated, assaulted, charmed... all at once! One of the concert highlights was right at the beginning when Gaga was having mic problems. A stage hand handed her a working mic into which she declared "At least now you know I don't f***ing lip sync". She kept expressing her deep appreciation to her fans, and also kept saying inspirational messages to the crowd about following your dreams even when other try to bring you down.

(Photo cred: Greg Kolz, fan photo from March 6, 2011 concert at Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, ON. Photo retrieved from If only I had been this close to the stage!)
When I am asked about where I am going at the end of March, the reactions aren't all positive. Half the time people will look surprised when I tell them about the Camino and ask me why I am going on this immense hike, if I've been training to prepare, or if I have thought about how hard a hike like this will be. Others will tell me how great the trip sounds, ask where I will be travelling, and share stories of their experiences abroad. To be completely frank, trying to leave the more negative comments out of my head has been difficult lately. I feel such immense pressure coming from my program and my family that the negative is seeping in. Can I complete my work on time? Will I forget a crucial element in attempting to be successful? Can I be successful in a time crunch such as this?
This is going to sound corny; however, going to the Lady Gaga concert was a truly uplifting experience. Her message made a connection with me, and her music keeps me wanting to dance and smile. She is completely over the top, but when she spoke of keeping your eye on your goal and not letting others get in the way... that is exactly what I need to do!
Honourable mention to one of the funniest websites I have seen in a while... is absolutely amazing! My abs thank you for the great laugh-workout they just received...
I promise to never let 5 days go by between posts ever again! Thanks for following Tasha, Tatyana and my journey!
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