Introducing Tatyana, the lastest and greatest addition to the Camino trek. Here is her autobiography:
I'm Tatyana, and thats how I've always felt but it's getting worse; being surrounded by people who only live for money. This is why I wanted to go on the Camino. I needed to go and experience the world, see how people live and grow. I have travelled before with my family to Europe and Cuba but those are vacations... nothing like this.
Being an artist makes you see and analyze things differently. I hope to be inspired by this trip, and I fully intend to make art about this pilgrimage, during and after.
I have been changing quite a lot and never would have thought that going to Spain for a month and walking the whole time would have been on my radar. I don't think I would have even thought of doing this a couple of months ago. I thought it was crazy when Tasha mentioned it, but now that I'm doing it too, I'm shocked. When the thought popped into my head I couldn't believe it and had to tell Tasha right away. I haven't been anywhere since I was 18 and now I am 21, going to school at Georgian College and hoping to complete my Bachelor of Fine Arts in the near future. I know this journey is going to not only be physically demanding, but emotionally and mentally as well, but I'm up for the challenge.
I have waited my whole life for this!
-Tatyana A.
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