Immense gratitude goes out to Anonymous for funding our 'To The End Of The World' documentary! I'm so thankful for the support... If you haven't already, please check out and instruct your friends and family to do the same! Receive a a special blog mention or even a film credit ;-)
I made it in one piece to Lausanne, Switzerland. The biggest challenge I am facing at this very moment is the keyboard. The 'z' is in a funky place, and so is the '@' sign, and the exclamation point! I had to ask for help to find it...
Before leaving Montreal, I was able to meet up with my fantabulous friend, April Passi! She is such a great friend, and such a brave woman... working full-time at a high school teaching French, and a variety of other subjects (I forget which ones). She met up with my parents and me for just over 30 minutes, and we were able to enjoy a coffee and sammie before we had to zip to the airport. April, i will be thinking of you constantly as I venture through Switzerland! Bern is next!
Anyhow, the flight to Paris was an overnighter, and my plan was to sleep the whole way so I could be fresh and spunky when I arrived. Well, this was impossible, as the plane was packed and there were 2 babies in the row behind me that cried and screamed the WHOLE way! I didn't know who to feel bad for... the parents, the kids (who hopefully had some sort of ear issue or some good reason to be so miserable), or everyone who was kept awake by the baby banshees.
Regardless, the plane food was hilarious. Paté chinois, greek salad, tea and a classic... mystery tar brownie. No plane ride is complete without one of those crazy looking sticky, black brownies. Oh, and a white wine! (P.s. you don't even understand how fast I'm typing right now... 5 euros for just over an hour on the computer... good Lord!)
Laurene met me bright and early at the Charles de Gaulle airport, and off we went back to her fiance's place near the Porte de Bagnolet metro. She noticed right away that I had transformed into a zombie, and so when we got to the apartment I took a much needed 3 hour nap! Not to waste too much time, she woke me up and off we went to meet up for a coffee with her friend Claire-Lise. From there we walked to the Eiffel Tower (we didn't climb it... but I'm honestly okay with that!), admired the military academy, then to Les Champs Elysées, L'Arc de Triomphe, le Pont Alexandre III, le Sacré Coeur (we did climb all the steps there, but not on our knees).
The following day I set off early on my own and visited le Chateau Versailles. I got to the Chateau around 9:45 a.m., and wasn't done looking around until approximately 1 p.m.! I made sure to grab an audioguide at the entrance so I could soak in the whole experience... Getting there early is truly the trick for success. When I arrived the crowd hadn't amassed yet, I got the chance to really poke around and not be pushed or squished by the masses. On the way out the Chateau and the gardens where extremely crowded, as school groups had begun to take the place over. That afternoon Laurene and I met up at la Cathedrale Notre Dame, visited the inside, and then proceeded to galivant around the neighborhood. We walked to le Palais du Louvre, but on Tuesdays museums are closed... That's okay! Another expresso nearby! We got caught in the rain for a little while, but once again, expresso to the rescue!
That evening I was invited to join in on a couscous dinner party hosted by Max's (Laurene's fiancé) friends. Lots of wine, munchies, and dinner was exceptional... authentic morroccan cooking, so amazing! Yesterday was my last full day in Paris. Laurene and I met up at 10 a.m. and walked to Père Lachaise cemetary and tried to find Edith Piaf... to no avail, she is well hidden. However, we did find Molière, Jean de la Fontaine (he wrote all the fables!), Oscar Wilde, and a few French celebrities that Laurene was aware of. Such a spooky place, and it is HUGE! After our cemetary walk, we took the metro to entre the neighborhood named le 'Sentier'. This area is full of cheap, cool clothes! I cannot wait to come back beginning of June and get some camel coloured, gypsy\Indiana Jones pants... I am wearing those babies on the plane ride home, I promise!
Also, we took a guided tour of the Paris Opera AKA Palais Garnier. The tour was totally worth it, there are so many details that you can easily overlook when visiting the Opera. It's so ornate, ultra barocque, and done in what's called 'Napoleon III style'. We never stopped walking the whole time I was in Paris. My calves are ridiculous right now.
I only have 4 minutes left on the internet timer... AH!
Okay, so today, woke up, went to McDonald's for the wifi, and packed my things for Lausanne. Only 1 minute left... posting this, and will update as soon as I can!
Nicole, Tasha and Tatyana take on the challenge of a lifetime and travel to the 'End of the World' to become pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago Compostela, Spain... Oh, and we will be making a documentary film about the whole experience!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Quick Update!!
I have so much to say... First off, immense gratitude goes out to Gail Marchand, Keltie Sabin, Anonymous, and Liseanne McGuinty for funding 'To The End Of The World' documentary! You are all so wonderful, thank you for funding the arts!
Moments ago I discovered a blog writing app, and it's so easy to use... It wasn't free; however, I am so relieved that it works well and is user friendly!
Paris is such a cool place... But is it ever expensive. Grocery shopping and drinking water has been saving me $. Laurene and I met up with her friend Claire-Lise yesterday for lunch, and a glass of Sprite (small) was listed at 4.25 euro! That's crazy!
Anyhow this is just a quick update; I'm currently at Mcdonald's taking advantage of the free wifi. Have to head back to the hostel to pack up... Going to Lausanne today!
Here is a little taste of the Paris Opera!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod
Moments ago I discovered a blog writing app, and it's so easy to use... It wasn't free; however, I am so relieved that it works well and is user friendly!
Paris is such a cool place... But is it ever expensive. Grocery shopping and drinking water has been saving me $. Laurene and I met up with her friend Claire-Lise yesterday for lunch, and a glass of Sprite (small) was listed at 4.25 euro! That's crazy!
Anyhow this is just a quick update; I'm currently at Mcdonald's taking advantage of the free wifi. Have to head back to the hostel to pack up... Going to Lausanne today!
Here is a little taste of the Paris Opera!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod
Sunday, March 27, 2011
On a Jet Plane...
Immense gratitude goes out to Camille Maheu for helping fund the 'To The End Of The World' documentary on Indiegogo! My name thanks for your contribution, cannot wait to start filming!
Only 2 hours until me and the parental units leave for the Montreal airport. The dog is suspicious of what's going on... he keeps walking on my stuff, growling and whining at me. Last night he was laying on my piles of travel clothes chewing on a toy. He either doesn't want me to go, or he thinks I should pick out different outfits!
A few more things to accomplish this morning; sync ipod/charge it, shower, attempt to fit everything in my pack, console sad bichon, create business cards, and put some makeup on! Tough day...
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody! France, here I come!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Departure in O.M.G.
Endless gratitude going out to Eric Kougioumoutzakis and Rae-Anna Maitland! They have the honour of being the first funders backing the 'To The End of the World' documentary! They get to enjoy some of the perks I have offered to those backing the doc... Eric and Rae-Anna, thank you x1,000,000 for your support and encouragement! Remember to keep spreading the word so perhaps your friends and family may join you in also enjoying the lovely perks of being a funder for the doc!
For more information about the project and on how you can support the creation of this documentary, click to get right to the campaign's home page.
Departure for Europe is so soon! The flight leaves from Montreal on Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. and I still have quite a lot to do. My plan is to mock-pack my bag a few times in order to fit everything in effectively.
Definitely am going to have to look up how it would be best to pack the sound equipment and camera, a PD170. What I have heard thus far from peers is that it is probably best to carry the camera in a carry-on fashion. What I imagine this is good for is to prove to customs that it is not a mule of any kind, and that it is in working order. Have I mentioned how excited I am do be going overseas to shoot a film?! 'Cause I am SO excited!
I worked one last shift at the pool today, took care of my dog, picked up the parents from each of their workplaces, picked up my cousin in Alta Vista... and after all that, went out for a big dinner at a restaurant in Kanata called 'Crazy Horse'. It's a country-western bar that plays great country hits, the staff wear huge belt buckles and daisy dukes, and the menu is fantastic. They have a burger called the 'Koo Koo Cheval', get it?
My parents and brother, aunt Paule and her kids, uncle Jacques, aunt Gail and their two kids, as well as my cousin Celine sat down together to a rowdy delicious feast. It was a medley of celebrations: my father's birthday is at the end of the month, and my aunt Paule's birthday was yesterday, and my departure on Sunday. Happy birthday to you Dad, and a happy belated birthday to Paulie... spinning class will not be as fun without me!
What I love best about gatherings is listening to different people's stories. I've always felt a bit distant from my uncle Jacques, much to do with the fact that we don't get the chance to visit often; however, tonight I really enjoyed listening to him tell stories from his recent trip to Whistler, his train stories from his France-Italy travels back in the early 80's... he is captivating when he speaks, and he is very intuitive! From his family I received the perfect hiking gift: a blister care kit! My soles, heels, and toes thank you so much for such a great present!
Off to bed now, I've got my last class tomorrow morning!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
We are now on Indiegogo, this is a website that helps fund all kinds of projects such as movies, food, art, writing... But here's the deal, it's up to YOU, the followers to check out the project on Indiegogo, contribute, and encourage all you friends, family, and favourite travellers to do the same!
The link for our documentary film project is:
While on the site make sure to check out all the other projects that are being featured. So many of them are so interesting and creative!
Today has been such a productive day. While dad and I were looking at the Eurail website last night, we noticed some small print that says you cannot purchase Eurail passes while in Europe. Oh no! It was totally my plan to buy my pass when I got to Paris. When I called to find out more information and see if I could get the pass rushed to my house overnight, the representative on the phone became very stressed about the time crunch. Luckily, I had my problem-solver-hat on this morning and asked the gentleman if there were any outlets in Ottawa that would sell me a pass on the spot. Yes, there are! Conveniently, the place he referred me was Adventure Travel on Richmond Rd. which is located directly across from Mountain Equipment Coop; also on my list of places to go. The pass I chose is the 3 country pass that goes between France, Switzerland, and Italy; cannot wait to consume authentic italian everything!
Bought my pass at Adventure Travel, made a return at Bushtukah, purchased proper hiking pants and a pack rain cover. Four things checked off the trip to do list! Score!
But seriously ya'll, help a sister out and share this link with everybody on you Facebook, email and phone list:
Thanks so much, you are all amazing!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Is It Only Monday?
This morning Rosa, the Monday morning spinning instructor, totally called me out in RPM class for yawning. She always catches me mid-yawn during her class! I'm always tired in spinning... my fault, I go to bed too later most nights. Rosa, I apologize for yawning in your RPM. Your class always challenges me to push myself; I will make a point of better concealing my yawns from you in the future!
Spent a great afternoon at the Rideau Centre with my fabulous grandmother. When we came back to her place we shared a pot of tea, and she broke out her 2005 Europe cruise album. She really wanted to show me her photos of this amazing bridge from the 14th century in Florence called Ponte Vecchio. She said that bridge is filled with jewellers who deal mostly in gold, and that she was so overwhelmed with her surroundings that she didn't purchase anything!
Whenever I go away for any period of time I constantly think of her and my grandfather. They are the #1 priority when it comes to post cards, even if I am just gone for a long weekend. When I went to Halifax for four days last October, and I sent a few post cards to my relatives see if the cards would beat me back. Unfortunately I made it back first, so when the cards did arrive it felt slightly awkward.
Cool moment of the day: Celine came over for fajita dinner tonight! I love all my cousins so much, but man, I really enjoy chilling with Celine. She is such a cool and down to Earth young woman. The evening was nothing fancy, just went and picked her up and we hung out with my parents, my brother, our aunt Paule and her two offspring. It was low key, casual, and simply fantastic.
My to do list has been growing at a rapid rate, and now includes:
- Find appropriate travel pants
- Book veterinary check up for Bentley
- Work 5-10 hours at the pool
- Place a 2-month hold on my account at Goodlife
- Finish filing taxes
- Tidy room/ sort through clothes
- Prepare a 5 minute pitch for Wednesday night's class
- ... I'm sure there is more
I cannot believe it is only Monday; there was a definite Wednesday-feel to this busy day.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Final Countdown
Happy belated St. Patrick's day to all!
I must admit that I did go out, and I did partake in some beverages, and that I definitely payed for it the next day... I am not a frequent drinker, and Thursday night/ Friday morning reminded me why; bad decisions, and a bad hangover. I did however have a great time! Stayed in Barrhaven and went out with a bunch of lifeguard buddies from work. By the way, lifeguards are hilarious, if you weren't already aware!
Anyhow, crunch time is upon me and I am feeling the pressure 1000%. So much so that I am not certain I will be able to complete all of my courses. Particularly the ones that require an actual edited video such as a funding trailer, and of course a full length (15-20 minutes is required) documentary. Currently, I am in class, and am trying to focus... on passing at least a few of my courses!

(Me, in class, looking at footage and turning it into paperwork... yuck!)
I have been logging field tape footage for the better part of the day. Not an exciting task; however, the footage is of my wonderful aunt Gail, and she is making my task easy.
I cannot believe my trip has snuck up on me so quickly. Literally need to plan out my week to include buying more merino wool, a rain cover for my pack, loading my ipod with sweet tunes, hanging out with family members and key friends... stacked week, I need an assistant HA!
Leaving a week from today, oh geeze.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Time is Short!
Finally, after wishing and hoping it would happen, I was able to spend this past weekend in Sudbury, Ontario. Left a rainy Ottawa behind on Friday at 12:01 a.m., and arrived in a blizzard in Sudbury at 6:30 a.m. It is my feeling that taking the Greyhound is a must on the life experience list; double trouble if you get the opportunity to stop in Chalk River on route to your destination.
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends in my life! They love me even when I get a random cold and lose my voice... regardless, I had a wonderful time with them. It has been so long since the last time Caitlin and I got together! So grateful to both her and Derek for taking me in for the weekend. Thanks so much, ya'll rock!
Was also able to spent some quality time with my good pal Michelle. She is graduating this year and is moving to Barrie, Ont. in a few weeks to start an amazing life with her love, Alex and their two cats Nancy and Steven. We even got into talks about her introducing me to Wasaga Beach in the summer... road trip!
Jacqueline, the lovely woman who helped me survive college at Cambrian, was also in town. Unfortunately we weren't able to spend much time together, but we were able to share a pretty wicked hug. Her hugs have miraculous powers, and I felt my blues melt away as we embraced.
I've been trying to deconstruct my new found love for Sudbury. Honestly, when I was there its charms escaped me. All I could focus on was the landscape composed mainly of the black road, grey rocks, dirty snow and an overcast sky. Now that I've graduated and moved home, I definitely have a stronger appreciation for that city and also am somewhat drawn to it. The familiarity of the place makes me feel so at home, nowhere do I feel lost or disoriented. I know the bars, and on what nights they are busy... I even know where to find a spicy eggplant pizza on a whole wheat crust or a Bela Lugosi sandwich for a reasonable price (both, of course, can be found at the Laughing Buddha).
Going there this past weekend I think I've finally discovered what it is I like the most about Sudbury; there are no surprises. Of course there are surprises, but what I mean is that I know what to expect from the place... So now, I love it. Not to worry mom and dad (they read this blog!), I will not be moving to Sudbury. Just know that I will be finding reasons to return there every so often throughout the next few years.
Another thing I love completely is Facebook. It is a miracle to a military brat such as myself. Facebook has given me the opportunity to reconnect with so many wonderful people that I have encountered through my life. It has become a primary method of contact with so many of my friends, particularly those who live abroad. One of those friends being Laurene, who I met in first year at Laurentian. She was there on exchange from France. Last time I went to Spain I was able to visit her in Bordeaux, France where she lives now.
My awesome friend Laurene is going to meet me in Paris on March 28th! Not only will she meet me there, she is actually going to pick me up from the airport at 8 a.m. when I arrive. She and her boyfriend have recently become engaged, so I will be meeting him as well.
On Sunday my first ever film, 'GUARD TEAM' was shown at the Wakefield International Film Festival (WIFF) up in Wakefield, Quebec. My film is a little rough, especially in the sound department; however, I am so proud and grateful to have been selected to screen my short film at the festival. Thank you to Brenda and Robert Rooney for spearheading such a great event!
Time is short, and I have only 13 days til my departure for Europe. In this time I have so much to accomplish that now, it's really starting to hit me. All I can think at this point is to "just keep swimming", as a wise fish once said.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Breakfast Hazard

After calling my father's cell phone 5 times in 45 seconds, I called my aunt Paule, the nurse, who was at work at the time. She first asked me it"was it a bagel accident?". Well, yes, but what the heck! Turns out bagel accidents are the top breakfast injury in North America...greeeeeaaaaaat.
Next move was to wake my sleepy brother, and he brought me to the clinic. He didn't put up a fight or contest when I asked him to "please bring me to the clinic, I need stitches". Not exactly a statement not to take seriously.
He stayed with me at the clinic, and when it was all over he brought us both home and got ready for school. Wednesdays are a work afternoon for me; I called the pool office and explained the scenario to them... also that I am not permitted to get my fresh stitches wet for at least a day. My wonderful boss told me to stay home and rest, they would get by without me. I've said it before, and I will say it again, my workplace is composed of the most understanding and supportive supervisors and bosses ever. Thank you WBSC! Thank you Michael, my bro, for helping me out this morning!
Anyways, no work for me today, but I am keeping my hair appointment at 5:15p.m.! Highlights at the Algonquin School of Hair Styling.
Thanks for following the blog, you are amazing!
P.s. if considering bagels for breakfast, do not use a steak knife to cut it! Learn from this painful experience!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Crazy Busy!
Since the last post I have been running around like a mad woman!
Friday= Doctor's appointment, at which i was prescribed a vaccine called Menactra to prevent meningitis. Have yet to actually fill the prescription; shots are the worst! The evening was then spent leading a Standard First Aid recertification course for some of my fellow staff members. SFA is such an amazing course to teach; so many bad jokes to be made all while spreading lifesaving knowledge! When I got home that evening I made a spontaneous and amazing decision: I will see Lady Gaga perform at Scotiabank Place this Sunday.
And so, a cheap ticket was purchased and my weekend became instantly incredible.
Saturday= Class all morning; sat by the window and therefore accomplished very little. All this was immediately proceeded by flu-like symptoms and me going home early. Of course, feeling crappy then resulted in an afternoon of Gravol and sleep. I don't even remember what happened Saturday night... what I do recall involves lots of cuddling with Bentley, my crazed bichon frise.
Sunday= Me and dad's glorious return to Sunday A.M. Adult badminton and the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. There was a massive snow dump the night before, so the roads were in terrible shape; this worked to our advantage because attendance was lower than usual to our favourite Sunday sport. We played 6 games in a row without any breaks! Once we got home I prepared report cards for my swim students, went to work for a few hours, took the fastest shower and got ready for Lady Gaga! Completely honest, the show was incredible. My ticket had me seated off to the side at the top of the nosebleeds, so I went 2 rows up to the top of the arena, pulled up a folding chair and sat at a better angle in the cement walkway. I don't think I have ever been so visually stimulated, assaulted, charmed... all at once! One of the concert highlights was right at the beginning when Gaga was having mic problems. A stage hand handed her a working mic into which she declared "At least now you know I don't f***ing lip sync". She kept expressing her deep appreciation to her fans, and also kept saying inspirational messages to the crowd about following your dreams even when other try to bring you down.

(Photo cred: Greg Kolz, fan photo from March 6, 2011 concert at Scotiabank Place, Ottawa, ON. Photo retrieved from If only I had been this close to the stage!)
When I am asked about where I am going at the end of March, the reactions aren't all positive. Half the time people will look surprised when I tell them about the Camino and ask me why I am going on this immense hike, if I've been training to prepare, or if I have thought about how hard a hike like this will be. Others will tell me how great the trip sounds, ask where I will be travelling, and share stories of their experiences abroad. To be completely frank, trying to leave the more negative comments out of my head has been difficult lately. I feel such immense pressure coming from my program and my family that the negative is seeping in. Can I complete my work on time? Will I forget a crucial element in attempting to be successful? Can I be successful in a time crunch such as this?
This is going to sound corny; however, going to the Lady Gaga concert was a truly uplifting experience. Her message made a connection with me, and her music keeps me wanting to dance and smile. She is completely over the top, but when she spoke of keeping your eye on your goal and not letting others get in the way... that is exactly what I need to do!
Honourable mention to one of the funniest websites I have seen in a while... is absolutely amazing! My abs thank you for the great laugh-workout they just received...
I promise to never let 5 days go by between posts ever again! Thanks for following Tasha, Tatyana and my journey!
Bichon frise,
Camino de Santiago,
Documentary Film,
Lady Gaga,
Lakehead University,
Nicole Godwin,
Tasha Abel,
Tatyana Abel,
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Autobiography: Tatyana

Introducing Tatyana, the lastest and greatest addition to the Camino trek. Here is her autobiography:
I'm Tatyana, and thats how I've always felt but it's getting worse; being surrounded by people who only live for money. This is why I wanted to go on the Camino. I needed to go and experience the world, see how people live and grow. I have travelled before with my family to Europe and Cuba but those are vacations... nothing like this.
Being an artist makes you see and analyze things differently. I hope to be inspired by this trip, and I fully intend to make art about this pilgrimage, during and after.
I have been changing quite a lot and never would have thought that going to Spain for a month and walking the whole time would have been on my radar. I don't think I would have even thought of doing this a couple of months ago. I thought it was crazy when Tasha mentioned it, but now that I'm doing it too, I'm shocked. When the thought popped into my head I couldn't believe it and had to tell Tasha right away. I haven't been anywhere since I was 18 and now I am 21, going to school at Georgian College and hoping to complete my Bachelor of Fine Arts in the near future. I know this journey is going to not only be physically demanding, but emotionally and mentally as well, but I'm up for the challenge.
I have waited my whole life for this!
-Tatyana A.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Autobiography: Tasha

Introducing my best friend, Tasha Abel. Here is her mini autobiography:
In September I was ready to take a break from travel life to focus on my career and be with my family, but alas, I could not knock such an amazing opportunity. I have my whole life to work and as for the family bit, just bring a member along with you!
I have travelled extensively which is probably the reason that I was asked to join Nicole on this trip. I will be our go-to person for map-minding, blister treater and just all round moral and mood booster. My experience ranges from outdoor activities, South American journey's, partying hard down under and assisting in keeping kids alive everywhere inbetween with various work contracts.
I am looking forward to setting out on my first trip with people. The dynamics and interactions we will face will definately be written about. I am excited to face new challenges including not jumping on a bus whenever I feel like it and learning to be considerate of people's feelings. Good thing I am starting with my little sis and best friend.
-Tasha A.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Go March!
As mentioned in a previous entry, I love preparation; especially when it comes to travelling to foreign places. By the way, for me, going to Montreal or Toronto is considered foreign. Any place that is unfamiliar becomes a 'foreign' place (that definitely includes Wal-Marts with more than 40 aisles).
Anyways, I digress... Preparation! Booking flights well in advance, studying bus routes and subway maps, identifying hostels, guide books and dictionaries, and reading Harry Potter Y La Piedra Filosofal by la senora J.K. Rowlings. Reading spanish books was all the rage with travellers in the hostels I stayed at in Madrid back in 2009. Besides, my beginner spanish textbook is in Midland, Ontario (*ahem* Tatyana start studying!), so to brush up I am waiting for my new HP book to arrive.
My parents have been telling their friends about the Camino trip, and they keep saying I can speak spanish. Not so, but I do know key phrases such as 'where is the bathroom', 'I am drunk', 'do I know you?', 'Good Lord!'... among others.
Continuing with the preparation theme, Tasha texted me today saying that she is assuming the role of first aider on the trip. My response: "Blister patrol!". Keeping our feet healthy is going to be one of the biggest priorities and challenges while on the pilgrimage. Foot related first aid materials that have been recommended to me by former pilgrims are as follows:
- Antibiotic ointment
- Silicone tube-things for toes (these were highly recommended and can be found at drug stores with all the foot care contraptions)
- Thick padded bandages
- Tylenol
- Sterile needle (for draining blisters)
- Duct tape
- Medical tape
- Nail clippers (an important preventative measure)
- Good hiking shoes/synthetic socks (also very important!)
Part of the foot health plan also include comfortable, breathable time-off-the-trail shoes. This means I need to decided between bringing crocs or flip-flops...probably an internal debate that will result in me taking both!
If you know of any suggestions when it comes to foot care essentials, let me know by posting a comment below or by tracking me down on Facebook and spamming my wall... I am always willing to learn.
Wow, foot care. Riveting stuff... look for it in the DVD menu under special features!
Documentary Film,
foot care,
Harry Potter,
Nicole Godwin,
special features,
Tasha Abel,
Tatyana Abel,
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