(the crew in the cathedral's plaza)
We have made it to Burgos, Spain! A city with a population of approx. 170,000 and no free wifi. Well, there are a few spots, but they are well hidden...

(specialty in Burgos... Sausage made with rice, onion, salt, and pig's blood... Sounds lovely.........)

(the Burgos cathedral is HUGE! Breathtaking!!!)

(pilgrim insignia on the wall inside the cathedral... No pictures allowed in there but I couldn't resist)

(our hostel is situated above a small chapel. 16 beds, and a host who sings and plays guitar!)
After over a week of being told "wait 2 more days then you will be better", I have decided to end my Camino. Was assessed by a medic in Santo Domingo de la Calzada and I have an infection on both my heels; he told me to use lots of Betadine (iodine based disinfectant) and be cautious... What does that even mean?!
And the documentary? Not to worry, there is definitely a story here... And as I have learned throughout my year in Algonquin's documentary production; life happens, and stories change. There was a little more drama than I could have ever anticipated!
I came to do the Camino with high expectations of myself... Unrealistic even. The first few days I tried to keep up with my friends, and not complain about my feet. Lesson learned: stop and check your feet immediately at the slightest sign of pain or discomfort.
I have definitely learned about myself, for example; it's possible to walk 30km in a day, conditioner isn't necessary, 5 euros can go a long way, and that I need to continue pursuing Spanish! More importantly, how to better prepare for my next Camino attempt.
I'm so proud of Tatyana for continuing the hike! She is an incredible woman, and a skilled athlete! She leads the pack on the trail, and always reports back with a smile. Go get em' girl, keep up your positive attitude... To The End Of The World!!!

(why so serious Tatyana? Ha, that's better!)
Tomorrow is Sunday, making traveling by bus/train/plane more complicated in Spain; therefore, I will stay in Burgos until Monday, then off to San Sebastian for one night on my way to Bordeaux. Laurene gets back to her place on Tuesday morning, and if all goes well I will see her that evening.
Oh and a shout out to all the moms out there... Happy mother's day!

(street performer playing the violin via his puppet. A hairy dog sleeping at his feet)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod
Location:Burgos, Spain
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