Wednesday, May 4, 2011

2 Outta 3 Ain't Bad

After two days in Los Arcos, I'm not sure if my heels are better. They look like hell. They hurt like hell.

New developments in the life of To The End Of The World crew. We are down a crew member; Tasha has decided that although the Camino is beautiful and a challenge, she needs to be home and sort out her professional future. Tatyana and I will press on, she on foot, and for now me on the bus.

In the past 4 days, Tatyana and Tasha hiked over 120km! Tasha calculated it all out, and turns out our excursion on day 1 was actually 32km because of the elevation. Proud of us!

Tatyana and I are sad that Tasha has left us, and we miss her already... The Camino is a challenge that, when accepted, needs to be accomplished at your own pace.

(and then there were two...)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Location:Calle de Miguel Villanueva,Logroño,Spain

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