Since volunteering at the Prime Time conference, I'm th
inking perhaps I should step it up and get an ipod touch. Here's where getting a touch could be a good idea: eliminates the need for a full on computer because it has wifi capabilities, can have Skype added so no requirement for a phone, it can play music, take small HD video, and looks cool. Basically it would take 4 devices' (ipod, flip cam, computer, cell phone) place and would therefore be more spatially smart. The price seems decent at $229, considering 4 years ago I payed closer to $400 for my classic. I may need to poll some friends about this decision... Facebook, I'm coming to you for answers!
Being prepared is my thing. I absolutely love researching before doing to eliminate unpleasant surprises or plot twists... So when researching the Camino, I came across an advice page that suggested carrying approximately 10% of your body weight or less while doing the pilgrimage. The reasoning behind this figure is of course to avoid injury. Because I am a the master of preparation, this also means I tend not to be a light packer; this poses a challenge, and brings me back to the ipod thing. How much weight am I really saving by purchasing an ipod? Is it wise to put all your bets on one piece of technology? What if it gets lost or stolen?
In addition to selling my classic, I've been considering listing my dog as well. Who knew Bentley, my bichon frise, would actually try to consume a maple chair.

(Dog for sale?)
Sadly, I will not be going to Sudbury, Ont. this weekend. Found out that Laurentian is having their reading week now too; therefore, most of my buddies are back at home relaxing! All the years I went to LU, I cannot recall my reading break and Algonquin's to ever have coincided. This year we all just got "lucky" I suppose.
That's all for tonight, bringing the destructive demon to meet a bull mastiff tomorrow. Perhaps he will be able to put Bentley in his place!
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