Anyways, I digress... Preparation! Booking flights well in advance, studying bus routes and subway maps, identifying hostels, guide books and dictionaries, and reading Harry Potter Y La Piedra Filosofal by la senora J.K. Rowlings. Reading spanish books was all the rage with travellers in the hostels I stayed at in Madrid back in 2009. Besides, my beginner spanish textbook is in Midland, Ontario (*ahem* Tatyana start studying!), so to brush up I am waiting for my new HP book to arrive.
My parents have been telling their friends about the Camino trip, and they keep saying I can speak spanish. Not so, but I do know key phrases such as 'where is the bathroom', 'I am drunk', 'do I know you?', 'Good Lord!'... among others.
Continuing with the preparation theme, Tasha texted me today saying that she is assuming the role of first aider on the trip. My response: "Blister patrol!". Keeping our feet healthy is going to be one of the biggest priorities and challenges while on the pilgrimage. Foot related first aid materials that have been recommended to me by former pilgrims are as follows:
- Antibiotic ointment
- Silicone tube-things for toes (these were highly recommended and can be found at drug stores with all the foot care contraptions)
- Thick padded bandages
- Tylenol
- Sterile needle (for draining blisters)
- Duct tape
- Medical tape
- Nail clippers (an important preventative measure)
- Good hiking shoes/synthetic socks (also very important!)
Part of the foot health plan also include comfortable, breathable time-off-the-trail shoes. This means I need to decided between bringing crocs or flip-flops...probably an internal debate that will result in me taking both!
If you know of any suggestions when it comes to foot care essentials, let me know by posting a comment below or by tracking me down on Facebook and spamming my wall... I am always willing to learn.
Wow, foot care. Riveting stuff... look for it in the DVD menu under special features!
take 2 at leaving a comment - There are wal-marts that big? and whoops about that textbook....