Saturday, March 19, 2011

Final Countdown

Happy belated St. Patrick's day to all!

I must admit that I did go out, and I did partake in some beverages, and that I definitely payed for it the next day... I am not a frequent drinker, and Thursday night/ Friday morning reminded me why; bad decisions, and a bad hangover. I did however have a great time! Stayed in Barrhaven and went out with a bunch of lifeguard buddies from work. By the way, lifeguards are hilarious, if you weren't already aware!

Anyhow, crunch time is upon me and I am feeling the pressure 1000%. So much so that I am not certain I will be able to complete all of my courses. Particularly the ones that require an actual edited video such as a funding trailer, and of course a full length (15-20 minutes is required) documentary. Currently, I am in class, and am trying to focus... on passing at least a few of my courses!

(Me, in class, looking at footage and turning it into paperwork... yuck!)

I have been logging field tape footage for the better part of the day. Not an exciting task; however, the footage is of my wonderful aunt Gail, and she is making my task easy.

I cannot believe my trip has snuck up on me so quickly. Literally need to plan out my week to include buying more merino wool, a rain cover for my pack, loading my ipod with sweet tunes, hanging out with family members and key friends... stacked week, I need an assistant HA!

Leaving a week from today, oh geeze.

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